Conheça o Dr. Augusto Cézar Souza

Dr. Augusto Cézar Souza é um médico psiquiatra com CRM/PI 2510 e RQE 2981, especializado em atender pacientes com transtornos mentais, desde adolescentes, adultos até idosos, com garantia de segurança e qualidade no uso de tratamentos psiquiátricos modernos, seguros e eficazes.

A group of medical professionals and possibly officials are gathered around a patient in a hospital ward. The patient is seated on a hospital bed, engaging with the people around him. Several men in uniform and plain clothes are present, suggesting a formal visit or inspection.
A group of medical professionals and possibly officials are gathered around a patient in a hospital ward. The patient is seated on a hospital bed, engaging with the people around him. Several men in uniform and plain clothes are present, suggesting a formal visit or inspection.
Especialista em Psiquiatria
Atendimento de Qualidade

Com vasta experiência, o Dr. Augusto oferece um atendimento humanizado e especializado, assegurando que cada paciente receba a atenção necessária para o tratamento de suas condições psiquiátricas.


Atendemos pacientes psiquiátricos adolescentes, adultos e idosos em busca de assistência médica psiquiátrica especializada, garantindo um atendimento moderno, seguro, eficaz e de qualidade, com um médico psiquiatra qualificado e com sua especialidade devidamente registrada no CRM/PI e Conselho Federal de Medicina.


rua Aristides de Almeida, 960, Santa Isabel, Teresina - PI, CEP: 64053-300


Segundas-feiras aos sábados sob agendamento pelo Whatsapp (86) 99409-4683

Atendimento excepcional. Me senti segura e acolhida. Dr. Augusto é um verdadeiro especialista em psiquiatria.

Maria Silva - Teresina-PI

A poster features a close-up of a woman's face with a message about psychology. The top of the poster has the phrase 'GET PSYCHED!' in large orange text. Below, there is a series of questions in varying sizes and colors, exploring different psychological topics. The bottom part of the poster contains a web address.
A poster features a close-up of a woman's face with a message about psychology. The top of the poster has the phrase 'GET PSYCHED!' in large orange text. Below, there is a series of questions in varying sizes and colors, exploring different psychological topics. The bottom part of the poster contains a web address.
Three pieces of paper arranged vertically feature the words 'dialectical', 'behaviour', and 'therapy'. The background is a plain light gray.
Three pieces of paper arranged vertically feature the words 'dialectical', 'behaviour', and 'therapy'. The background is a plain light gray.
